Shawn Reid Will Fight The Battle For Your Future Well-Being

Seeking Post-Divorce Changes? Our Melbourne Attorney Can Help.

Orders established during a divorce reflect the circumstances that existed at the time the divorce was finalized. However, if there is a substantial change in circumstances, the original orders may no longer be appropriate. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, you may have grounds to seek a modification of the original divorce order.

At the law office of Shawn Reid, we represent clients in a variety of post-divorce modifications. Specific criteria must be met to approve a modification, and the court has broad discretion in these matters. We present the strongest possible argument to support your position and pursue every available option in an effort to secure a positive result.

We have experience handling all types of post-divorce modifications, including:

  • Child support: If there is a substantial change in income for either parent, generally an increase or decrease of 15% or more, it can create grounds to seek a modification. If the child’s needs change significantly – new activities or an unexpected medical procedure, for example – a modification to the child support order may be appropriate.
  • Alimony: A substantial change in circumstances can merit a review of the alimony order, including job loss, a significant increase or decrease in income for either spouse and the remarriage or existence of a supportive relationship for the recipient spouse.
  • Child custody: There can be many reasons for seeking a modification to the child custody order. Work schedule changes, parental relocation or an unhealthy living environment can all be reasons to review the custody order. In every case, any modification must serve the best interests of the child. Our Melbourne child custody modifications attorney has extensive experience with these matters.

Enforcement Actions

We also represent clients in all types of child custody, child support and alimony enforcement actions. If your former spouse is failing to fulfill his or her obligations under the divorce agreement, we can help you take the necessary steps to petition the court to force compliance.

Talk To An Experienced Brevard County Child Support Modifications Attorney

Contact our office today to discuss your modification issue with a Florida lawyer. We offer a free initial consultation to every new client. We are available during regular business hours and in the evening by appointment only. You can reach us by phone at 321-426-1840 or via email. For your convenience, we offer payment plans for our clients who need them.